Numéro hors-série, Aménophis III. Les statues égyptiennes du Nouvel Empire. Le journal du Louvre, Hiver 2007/2008. 1-13 p. 78-79, n° 23, - Sefrioui, Anne ; Geoffroy-Schneiter, Bérénice ; Jover, Manuel. La statue est en calcaire. His statues were destroyed. Date de création/fabrication : Amenhotep IV Akhénaton (mention de règne) (-1353 - -1337) The Seated Scribe. Art, architecture and history. They are clothed in fine, close-pleated linen and wear colored collars on … Khéops ; Musée du Louvre, 2007. Égypte, Louxor, temple de Karnak-est. Figure 2: Statue of Akhenaten (Sullivan 2001). Akhenaten was the city he built and designed for the worship of Aten, at Amarna. Monuments et mémoires publiés par l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Fondation Eugène Piot, 1974, 59, p. 1-44. , p. : passim, - Vandier, Jacques. They are clothed in fine, close-pleated linen and wear colored collars on their shoulders and upper chests. [Musée du Louvre, Paris]. Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2005. , p. : 79, n° 101, - Ziegler, Christiane ; Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! However, the discovery during the 19th century of his ancient capital Akhetaten brought him back into our history. Top 10 Monuments & Statues in Louvre / Palais-Royal: See reviews and photos of Monuments & Statues in Louvre / Palais-Royal, Paris (France) on Tripadvisor. 24, - Andreu, Guillemette ; Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène ; Ziegler, Christiane. Dagli Orti, Giovanni. 1 vol., , p. : 47-48, ill. p. 48, - Ziegler, Christiane ; Bovot, Jean-Luc. 1, [Musée du Louvre, Paris]. In : Textes et langages de l’Égypte pharaonique . As an official portrait, the king wears the Blue Crown, and the queen has a tall flat-topped headdress. L'art égyptien du Nouvel Empire au Louvre : une visite idéale. Grande Galerie. He was one of the first to practice monotheism, the belief in just one god. Tutankhamun (1341 – 1323 BC) was an Egyptian pharaoh who, since the discovery of his intact tomb, has been referred to colloquially as King Tut. Memnonia, 1999, 10, p. 195-200, ill. 26 55-58. , p. : 197 et note 27, 198, 199, pl. 1, Statues royales et divines. 2007, 2, p. 42-51. , p. : 45 ; 46, ill. p. 44, - Barbotin, Christophe. III, Horhekenou-Megeb. The hieroglyphs behind the king read: “May the Sun live, ruler of the horizon, Conformément aux directives gouvernementales de lutte contre la propagation du Covid-19, le musée du Louvre et le musée national Eugène-Delacroix sont fermés jusqu'à nouvel ordre. This statuette of Akhenaten and Nefertiti made of limestone and paint show the king and queen hand in hand walking forward together. 1-4 p. 240-243, 247, Date de création/fabrication : Amenhotep IV Akhénaton (inscription/dédicace/signature) (-1353 - -1337), Lieu de découverte : Temple d'Amenhotep IV Akhénathon (Karnak Est->Karnak->Thèbes Est), élément d'architecture, décor intérieur et extérieur, huisserie, It is probably due to … Neferneferuaten Nefertiti (c. 1370 – c. 1330 BC) was an Egyptian queen and the Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten, an Egyptian Pharaoh. HANDBOOK TO LIFE IN ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA SELECTED BOOKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR Art and the Romans: A Study of Roman Art as a Dynamic Expression of Roman Character (Lawrence, Kans. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Connaissance des arts. The typical anatomical distortions of the Amarna style are present, such as the round shoulders, the short upper torso, the slightly swollen belly, evident hips and thighs, and the slender arms and legs. Artists also showed subjects with elongated facial structures and with a more elongated body than the previous representation. Bibliothèque d'Étude = BdE ; 64/3. Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale = IFAO, 1974. p. 159-167. 2 vol., 216 p. ; 368 p., , p. : 64-66, fig. In : Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Ancient Egypt. Akhenaten moved the royal capital to the city, now known as Amarna, and erected several palaces and temples there. Some scholars believe that Nefertiti ruled briefly as Neferneferuaten after her husband’s death and before the accession of Tutankhamun. L'Égypte ancienne : Art et archéologie. In the new human form, the figures had more fat in the stomach, thigh, and breast region, while the torso, arm, and legs were thin and long like the rest of the body. The human body is portrayed differently; figures are slender, swaying, with exaggerated extremities. Date de création/fabrication : Amenhotep IV Akhénaton ; début XVIIIe dynastie ; Amenhotep III (attribution d'après style) (-1550 - -1337) Paris, Flammarion, 1999. , p. : 26, ill. p. 27, - Franco, Isabelle. und Echnatons. who rejoices on the horizon as the illumination that comes from the Aten-disk, La statue colossale fragmentaire d'Aménophis IV offerte par l'Égypte à la France (Louvre E. 27112). Les visiteurs ayant acheté un billet pour cette période seront remboursés automatiquement. Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1999. , p. : 116-117, n° 117, - Tiradritti, Francesco. L'art de l'antiquité. Qui était la princesse Akhenaton ? Durand, Jannic ; Alcouffe, Daniel. Les antiquités égyptiennes. Le Louvre. Paris, Éditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux = RMN, 1997. , p. : 142, ill. p. 142, - Forgeau, Annie. [Exposition, Tokyo, Musée d'art occidental, du 18 septembre au 1er décembre 1991]. Les 5 pages les plus visitées. Whereas Ancient Egyptian art was slow to alter, the Amarna style was a significant and sudden break from its predecessor, which was restored after Akhenaten’s death. Portraits du Louvre, choix d'oeuvres dans les collections du Louvre. Découvrir le Louvre - Missions et projets Découvrir le Louvre - En famille Découvrir le Louvre - Louvre, mode d'emploi Découvrir le Louvre - Visites guidées Comparer deux œuvres autour du thème de … Objectivité des portraits égyptiens. En autorisant ces services tiers, vous acceptez le dépot et la lecture de The deaths of some of the people involved in the discovery of Tutankhamun’s mummy have been popularly attributed to the curse of the pharaohs. D'un règne l'autre. Petits guides des grands musées, 77. , p. : 13, ill. p. 13, - Altenmüller, Hartwig. roi (debout, pagne plissé à devanteau, couronne bleue, collier ousekh, sandales, tenant par la main) ; reine (debout, robe plissée, couronne amarnienne, collier ousekh, boucles d'oreille, sandales) Décor : … The 1922 discovery of Tutankhamun’s nearly intact tomb sparked a renewed interest in ancient Egypt, for which Tutankhamun’s mask, now in the Egyptian Museum, remains the famous symbol. « Königsplastik ». Tutankhamun’s mother was not Nefertiti, but a woman named by archaeologists as “The Younger Lady.”. Paris, Manuels de l'Ecole du Louvre, 2001. , p. : 201 note 8, 294, - Franco, Isabelle. Nouvel Empire, règne d'Aménophis IV-Akhénaton (1353-1337 av. Londres, The British Museum Press, 1999. , p. : 81, - Andreu, Guillemette ; Rigault, Patricia ; Traunecker, Claude. Akhenaten is represented with a distorted physique not present elsewhere in the artwork of Ancient Egypt. This depiction is part of the artistic conventions of the Amarna style. The Department of Egyptian Antiquities of the Louvre is a department of the Louvre that is responsible for artifacts from the Nile civilizations which date from 4,000 BC to the 4th century. J.-C.) - Département des Antiquités égyptiennes L'Égypte ancienne au Louvre. Chronique des musées. A family would use it to pay homage to the royal couple, the sole living, earthly manifestation of the inaccessible God. The sculpture shows Akhenaton and his wife Nefriti, the royal couple holding hands. Easily portable, this statuette would probably have been used in a house shrine for private worship. Les pierres utilisées dans la sculpture et l'architecture de l'Egypte. roi (fausse barbe droite, bras croisés, tenant, sceptre heka, flagellum), Hauteur : 135 cm ; Largeur : 87 cm ; Profondeur : 49 cm ; Poids : 250 kg, Amenhotep IV Akhénaton (inscription/dédicace/signature) (-1353 - -1337), Temple d'Amenhotep IV Akhénathon (Karnak Est->Karnak->Thèbes Est), date de l'inscription sur l'inventaire : 1972, Musée du Louvre, Département des Antiquités égyptiennes, Sully, [AE] Salle 638 - Le Nouvel Empire - Au temps d'Akhénaton et de Néfertiti, Hors vitrine, - Barbotin, Christophe. Depictions of Akhenaten give him distinctly feminine qualities such as large hips, stomach, and thighs. The king has a blue crown, the queen wears a headdress, and both are dressed in clothes made of fine linen. “Life is short, Traditional religious practice was gradually restored, and Akhenaten was nearly lost from history. ... (Amenhotep IV Akhénaton) statue-1353 / -1337 (Amenhotep IV Akhénaton) relief mural ; stèle frontière ... statue de couple-1353 / -1337 (Amenhotep IV Akhénaton) scarabée -1353 / -1337(?) 5. On the reverse of the figurine are two columns of hieroglyphs and three cartouches. There are two cartouches of the sun god, followed by the king’s and queen’s cartouches. : Coronado Press, 1975) The Conflict of Generations in Ancient Greece and Rome (Amsterdam: Grüner, 1976) Doorways Through Time: The Romance of Archaeology (Los Angeles and New York: Jeremy … Chronique d'Égypte = CdE, 117. Statue of Egyptian woman at the Louvre photographed January 2013.jpg 315 × 500; 58 KB Statue Psamtik II Louvre.jpg 2,720 × 4,080; 4.95 MB Statues of Osiris Louvre Museum.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 1.89 MB Musée du Louvre, Département des antiquités égyptiennes. Akhénaton, l'adorateur du disque solaire. This statuette, from about 1345 BC, showing an Egyptian royal couple holding hand, is rare in Egyptian art up to this time but becomes more common from the Old Kingdom on. Basel, Basel : Verlag für Ägyptologie, 1988. , p. : IV-143, - Teeter, Emily. Nouvel Empire (1550-1069 av; J.-C.). [Exposition, The Cleveland Museum of Art]. After his death, his monuments were dismantled and hidden. may he live forever; Le Louvre. Cent cinquante années de recherches 1822-1972. Paris, 2001. , p. : 29, - Freed, Rita E.. Observations on some Amenhotep IV colossi from Karnak. Musée du Louvre département des antiquités égyptienne. princesse (perruque courte bouclée, mèche princière, collier ousekh, robe plissée) Etat de l'oeuvre : buste The Amarna style is a style adopted in the Amarna Period during and just after the reign of Akhenaten. With her husband, she reigned during the wealthiest period of Ancient Egyptian history. L'ABCdaire de l'Égypte ancienne. J.-C. Elle représente la fille du pharaon Akhenaton et de la princesse Néfertiti. This 4 500 years old statue is one of the most fascinating. News : 06 Octobre 2015 19:00:00 - Dossiers - Akhenaton, le pharaon hérétique - Nul autre, en plus de trois millénaires d'Égypte antique, n'aura laissé de trace si controversée qu'Akhenaton. Le portrait dans la civilisation islamique. Akhenaten (known before as Amenhotep IV) was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled for 17 years (1351–1334 BC). National Museum of African American History and Culture, J.F.Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, National Roman Legion Museum & Caerleon Fortress & Baths, Musée National du Moyen Age – National Museum of the Middle Ages, Akrotiri Archaeological Site – Santorini – Thera, Museum of the History of the Olympic Games, Alte Nationalgalerie – National Gallery, Berlin, Deutsches Historisches Museum – German Historical Museum, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere – Virtual Tour, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía- Virtual Tour, Nationalmuseum – National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Jewish Museum of Australia – Virtual Tour, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, Australia, Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires), Most Popular Museums, Art and Historical Sites, Museum Masterpieces and Historical Objects, Popular Museums, Art and Historical Sites, A house altar showing Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their children, Ruggiero Freeing Angelica” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, The Valpinçon Bather” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, The Turkish Bath” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Grande Odalisque” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Perseus and Andromeda” by Joachim Wtewael, Self-portrait with Her Daughter, Julie by Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, The Virgin and Child with St. Anne” by Leonardo da Vinci, The Massacre at Chios” by Eugène Delacroix, The Battle of San Romano” by Paolo Uccello, Virgin of the Rocks” by Leonardo da Vinci, The Death of Sardanapalus” by Eugène Delacroix, Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss” by Antonio Canova, Liberty Leading the People” by Eugène Delacroix, Quartzite Head of the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Pillar of Ramsesemperre, Royal Cupbearer and Fanbearer, Relief of Hormin with a Weighing of the Heart, Stela of Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Family, Book of the Dead – Papyrus of Ani and Hunefe,, Title: Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Dimensions: Height: 22.2 cm (8.7 ″); Width: 12.3 cm (4.8 ″); Thickness: 9.8 cm (3.8 ″). « La publication des textes du musée du Louvre ». Amenhotep IV (né possiblement entre -1371/-1365 et mort vers -1338/-1337, Aménophis IV4 en grec ancien d'après le nom donné par Manéthon à son prédécesseur qui lui ne le nomme pas explicitement), Akhenaton, (ou plus rarement Khounaton) est le dixième pharaon de la XVIIIe dynastie. La Revue du Louvre et des musées de France, 1972, 4-5, p. 239-250. , p. : 239-250, ill. p. 245, fig. Le Guide du Louvre. For a list of works based on 5,500 paintings catalogued in the Joconde database, see the Catalog of paintings in the Louvre Museum. Le Louvre. Pharaohs: Treasures of Egyptian Art from the Louvre. Paris, Éditions Scala, 2002. Le monde de la Bible, 1992, 78, p. 6-9. , p. : 6, Fig. Aménophis IV-Akhénaton . Akhenaton-E 27112-Louvre-antiquites-egyptiennes-p1020400.jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 430 KB Faraon Akenaton.jpg 1,144 × 1,557; 298 KB Le roi Aménophis IV-Akhénaton (Louvre) 2.jpg 4,160 × 2,340; 759 KB Amarnisme : le "disque" d'Aton, le "roi" assexué. The New Egyptian Galleries at the Louvre. Bulletin de la Société française d'égyptologie = BSFE, 1975, 73, p. 5-27. , p. : 16 note 29, - Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane. Les Antiquités égyptiennes: guide du visiteur. Die Kunst Amenophis' III. Figure 1: Statue of Akhenaten, 18 th Dynasty (Stone 2015). 1993, 36, p. 8-15. , p. : 14, fig. The male and female bodies are of similar size, the neck is stretched forward and the head raised. 1984, 59, p. 5-13. , p. : 8 note 3, 11, - Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane. La statue colossale fragmentaire d'Aménophis IV offerte par l'Égypte à la France (Louvre E. 27112). Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1980. , p. : 598 note 305, - Vandersleyen, Claude. 100 p., , ill. p. 63, - David, Élisabeth. After his death, conservative forces led by the temple priests abandoned the new capital, and traces of his monuments elsewhere defaced. Le souverain y fera construire son temple durant la première partie du règne, à l'extérieur et à l'est du grand temple Amon-Rê. Monuments et mémoires publiés par l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Fondation Eugène Piot, 1974, 59, p. 1-44. , p. : passim cookies et l'utilisation de technologies de suivi nécessaires à leur bon fonctionnement. You are welcome to review our Privacy Policies via the top menu. The International Review of Ancient Art and Archaeology, fasc. Trésors du plus grand musée du monde. Arthur Schopenhauer, Photo Credit: 1) Rama [CC BY-SA 3.0 fr (], Sponsor a Masterpiece with YOUR NAME CHOICE for $5. Lire les Conditions générales de vente. « L'Égypte pharaonique ». 1998, 9, p. 8-14. , p. : 13, fig. Paris, Éditions Scala, 1990. , p. : 43, 50, ill. p. 50, - Müller, Maya. Nefertiti and her husband were known for a religious revolution, in which they worshipped one god only, Aten, or the sun disc. 1973, p. 107-116. , p. : 107 note 1, fig. It is characterized by a sense of movement and energy in images, with figures having raised heads, many overlapping figures and scenes busy and crowded. He is portrayed with exaggerated facial features, such as a long nose, hanging chin, and thick lips. Voir en dernier lieu Ahmed M. Mekawy Ouda, « The Statue of the 'Doorkeeper of the Palace' PiAy (Louvre E 124) », SAK 44 (2015), p. 283-295 et pl. In : Holtzmann, Bernard (éd.). 12 p. 15, - Palayret, Nadine. Egypte louvre 172 pharaon.jpg 800 × 1,876; 445 KB Half a royal couple-N 831-IMG 2849.JPG 3,744 × 5,616; 8.07 MB Half a royal couple-N 831-IMG 2851-black.jpg 6,000 × 6,000; 3.22 MB Fingers and toes are depicted as long and slender and are carefully detailed to show nails. Amon (assis, pagne, corselet, couronne d'Amon, collier ousekh, fausse barbe droite, oreilles percées, protégeant) ; roi (debout) (Le roi était face au dieu; La statue du roi a été entièrement martelée) Décor : représentation de l'union des deux terres ; signe des années (sur les … Bruxelles, Connaissance de l'Egypte ancienne, 1992. Date de création/fabrication : époque amarnienne (attribution d'après style) (-1353 - -1336) Cette fois, il s’agit de découvrir l’évolution chronologique de l'art égyptien sur près de 5000 ans. and truth works far and lives long: They stand staring straight ahead, looking very serious. La base de données Collections présente plus de 480 000 œuvres du musée du Louvre et du musée national Eugène-Delacroix. Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux = RMN, 1997. , p. : 115, fig. They stand staring straight ahead, looking very serious. The Collections database consists of entries for more than 480,000 works in the Musée du Louvre and Musée National Eugène-Delacroix. let us speak the truth.” Connaissance des arts. This Statue of Akhenaten depicts the pharaoh, also known as Amenophis IV or Amenhotep IV, in a distorted representation of the human form. Les vingt-huit piliers de la cour péristyle servaient d'appui à des statues … In 2010, the results of DNA tests confirmed that he was the son of the mummy found in the tomb KV55, believed by some to be Akhenaten. Bulletin of Egyptological Seminar = BES, 1985-1986. His name excluded from the king lists. Le visiteur y croise notamment le célèbre regard du Scribe accroupi ou peut y admirer les statues de rois et de reines tels Sésostris III, Ahmès Néfertari, Hatchepsout, Aménophis III, Néfertiti et Akhénaton … Les Grands Pharaons et leurs oeuvres. Paris, Bruxelles, Montréal, Zurich, Sélection du Reader's Digest, 1991. , p. : 71, ill. p. 71, - Ziegler, Christiane ; Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène. Akhenaten tried to shift his culture from Egypt’s traditional religion, but the shifts were not widely accepted. Multiple feathers and Maat. Rechercher une œuvre; Recherche globale; Parcours de visite : à consulter ou à imprimer avant votre visite; Média en ligne; Ateliers Individuels The Collections database consists of entries for more than 480,000 works in the Musée du Louvre and Musée National Eugène-Delacroix. Nouvelles acquisitions. He is noted for abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism and introducing worship centered on the Aten. 2, L'Égypte et le Proche-Orient. 1998, 117, p. 36-47. , p. : 39, 44, couverture, ill. p. 38, - Eisenberg, Jerome M.. Paris, Tokyo, RMN, Asahi Shimbun , 1991. , p. : 67, ill. p. 67, - Bresc-Bautier, Geneviève, sous la direction de (éd.). [Musée du Louvre, Paris]. The following is a very incomplete list of notable works in the collections of the Musée du Louvre in Paris. The Colossal Statue of Akhenaten, as seen in Figures 1 and 2, is the object that has been specifically chosen to connect with a theoretical issue to consider how art was perceived and represented in ancient Egypt. 4 p. 6, - De Putter, Thierry ; Karlshausen, Christina. Paris, Hachette, 1997. , p. : 127-129 ; 253, ill. p. 128, n° 56, - Ziegler, Christiane ; Letellier, Bernadette ; Delange, Élisabeth ; Pierrat-Bonnefois, Geneviève ; Barbotin, Christophe ; Étienne, Marc. Akhenaten and Nefertiti This statuette of Akhenaten and Nefertiti made of limestone and paint show the king and queen hand in hand walking forward together. 1985, 7, p. 43-52. , p. : 46 note 18, - Vandersleyen, Claude. 58 a-b, - Les collections du Louvre. Les antiquités égyptiennes. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neferkheperure-Waenre, may he live.”, The hieroglyphs behind the queen, the name of the god, given in the same way, is followed by: “The great royal wife Neferneferwaten-Nefertiti, living forever.”. Paris, Éditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux = RMN, 1981. La Revue du Louvre et des musées de France, 1973-2. [Musée du Louvre, Paris]. Un buste monumental d'Aménophis IV don prestigieux de l'Égypte à le France. Cette statue grotesque du roi Akhénaton se dressait contre l'un des piliers du péristyle de Karnak. Paris, Éd. , p. : 165, - Vandier, Jacques. The Cleveland Museum or Art ; Oxford University Press, 1996. 1, - Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane. [Musée du Louvre, Paris]. 122, - Berman, Lawrence M. ; Letellier, Bernadette (éd.). Hommage à Jean-François Champollion. Modern interest in Akhenaten and his queen Nefertiti comes partly from his connection to Tutankhamun, who was his son. Numéro hors-série, L'Egypte au Louvre. Connaissance de l'Egypte ancienne ; 4. , p. : 93, - Bernus-Taylor, Marthe (éd.). Régnant à l'apogée de la puissance égyptienne, le pharaon, considéré comme hérétique, déclencha une … La Princesse Akhenaton est une statue égyptienne datant du XIV e sicèle av. 39-42. [Musée du Louvre, Paris]. Minerva. Nephthys (debout, pied gauche avancé, robe, perruque tripartite, collier ousekh, bracelet, sceptre ouas) Etat de l'oeuvre : sans bras gauche Guide pratique illustré.
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