lower scores) and liberals in the higher positions. 2. An et.al. The mean for each individual outlet (diamonds in Fig 2) stays close to its original position, and each newspaper can be located in a relatively small neighborhood with high confidence, meaning that there are no drastic changes compared to the previous classification. Results show that there is a perceivable difference in the language used by the outlets in both sides of the spectrum. However, we are also interested in the nature of the bias regarding such controversial topics. We used the label “Christian democracy” to group the outlets associated to this party, and assigned them a left-leaning position in our analysis. A plausible cause is that the other news outlets decided not to report about this event, in other words ‘bias by omission’. Healthy vaginal pH levels range from 3.5 to 4.5, but your “normal” can change with time and age. Further, we show that the nature of the bias can be explained and shown by the entities and sentiment related to the news outlet. Finally, we discuss how the media landscape, in terms of absolute positions, shifted along with a shift of the government. This, together with the previous NE analysis, confirms the theory that this outlet focuses in tweeting negative reports of the opposition, at least for the abortion issue. There is also a group labeled as Libertarian. Despite the magnitude of the event, only 135 out of 198 newspapers with a section on politics mentioned it. Aunque la historia no es nada memorable, las interacciones entre Nicholson y Sandler son más que suficientes para mantenernos muertos de risa. Notice that this tendency also coincides with the “liberal media” label that is frequently used, implying a popularly perceived Left-liberal leaning in the majority of the outlets [44]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193765.g006. As a future work, we aim to add some other content features (e.g., leaning of the named entities) to the polarity classification of the tweets as these may help to refine the relative positioning found by our model. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193765.t003. For that same question, the following tweet disagrees with it: “El TPP: un misil contra la soberanía” (tr. [2], PEDOT:PSS can be prepared by mixing an aqueous solution of PSS with EDOT monomer, and to the resulting mixture, a solution of sodium persulfate and ferric sulfate.[3][4]. We verified that our results are stable to small changes in the dataset and we explore the nature of the bias showed by the media by using the rank difference method. Me pongo los zapatos de tenis. This favoritism becomes clearer as we empirically observe a shift in the position of the mass media when there is a change in government. The blue dot shows the average for relative positions. All women should be free to choose whether she wants to terminate her pregnancy or not. Equivalently, outlets with a positive score are considered as liberals in our “perceived bias”. This means that news outlets tend to have a stand in at least some of the controversial topics that dominate the political landscape of the country. These new position are much more inline with how people think of the leaning of these outlets. 3. For each Agree answer, we increase the score of the quiz-taker in the corresponding dimension by 20 points. The user could also respond with an “I can’t tell” option. This newspaper appears in the top region of the personal dimension. We help answer this question in the next section. This result also lends some evidence to the Propaganda Model [2]. Our methodology is able to find the outlet’s position even with just a few tweets. The formula for calculating rank difference is shown in Eq 1, A History of the English Language by Albert C.Baugh and Thom. The quiz is based on the one proposed by David Nolan Chart in 1971 [11], which in turn can be traced back to a 2D chart proposed in 1968 [12], representing variations in political and socio-economic orientation. This is because the newspapers owned by El Mercurio stayed more or less in the same position while most of the others move from being right to El Mercurio’s to being left of their position (notice in Fig 5 that mercuriovalpo is at the left of the group). In fact, 11 regional newspapers of El Mercurio S.A.P are within these 26 and are all clustered bottom-right. As a proof of concept, we repeated our analysis using q0 as a replacement for question q3 (related to laws concerning sex between consenting adult, see Section PolQuiz). These are the scores of news outlets for which we were able to answer at least one question in the corresponding dimension. With this in mind, Fig 1 shows the absolute positions of 269 news outlets that published at least one tweet related to the issues of at least one of the questions of the PolQuiz. Investigation, In Fig 1 we explicitly labeled some of the most prominent ones to help understand the general landscape. A conductive layer on glass is obtained by spreading a layer of the dispersion on the surface usually by spin coating and driving out the water by heat. Reading Quran Online free of cost at your own home is our moto. We wanted to investigate if the outlets’ bias obtained using the PolQuiz corresponded with the popular perception of their political orientation. Given that the classes in our training set are not evenly populated, we decided to evaluate the model using a 10 iterations stratified shuffle-split cross validation. Another point to notice is that, once again, the outlets without a clear perceived bias, consistently show the most significant shift in favor of the ruling side. We annotated the 26ers political alignment using information extracted from Wikipedia, the official web site of the news outlet or the political alignment known for their owners. In order to find out how sensitive the observed bias is to noise, we repeated the scoring steps 20 times. Every news outlet has some presence on the web, which opens the possibility for the automatic collection of the news stream they produce. Together the charged macromolecules form a macromolecular salt. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, Affiliations By comparing their relative position in both corpora, the algorithm identifies words that are significantly more used in a given domain. This is the famous “Balcony scene” of Shakespeare from Romeo and Juliet, where the two lovers declare their love to each other.While Romeo praises Juliet’s beauty with neo-platonic images in the style of the courtly tradition, Juliet‘s declaration is quite different. One interesting result is that bias in the news is found to be correlated to political inclinations of readers, showing a tendency in these news outlets to maximize profit by “catering” to a certain audience. The data set contains 1,916,709 tweets, spanning a period of 8 months—from October 6, 2015 to June 4, 2016. The chart shows the relative shift in points from the conservative to the liberal government. The complete list LE has 199 labeled entities. Since the previous government (lead by Sebastian Piñera) had a different political alignment (right-wing conservative), we should be able to see a shifting in the position of the outlets in between the two governments. On the personal issues dimension, we can also see some bias, although less prominent, tending to the conservative end of the spectrum. Whether on a job interview or in a lab meeting, how you look and act can matter as much as your ideas. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0193765.g005. Those which do not fulfill this criterion, but for which there is still some information, are identified as gray dots. As in, take the word own and put a "p" in front and then take out the "o" but pretend it's still there. So, we consider outlets with a negative score to have a conservative “perceived bias”. This is a glossary intended to inform those who want to know the meanings of common Mexican terms, not to stir … For a proof of concept, we introduced the subject of abortion in the personal dimension. In [20], the authors defined a model to predict political preference among Twitter users. A shift > 0 (yellow bars) means more liberal. Water-based PEDOT:PSS inks are mainly used in slot die coating, flexography, rotogravure and inkjet printing. A tweet from a media outlet is a man-made summary of the news, usually in the form of a headline. Twitter and other social media have become hubs of news for an increasing number of users [30]. sssssssss-oooooooo). These summaries are expected to be representative of the newspaper’s bias [34, 35], but with the advantage that bias is easier to detect than in a full articles (shorter, to the point), given the heterogeneity of sites (not all provide RSSs and we would have to rely on scraping and more sophisticated natural language processing tools, to detect topics, sponsored news, etc.). El Mostrador (elmostrador) is an on-line newspaper with a perceived orientation to progressivism [46]. sententia.) Nevertheless, this is used only as an illustration: to fully understand the nature of the bias and the media landscape, the decision makers or interested parties should conduct a similar analysis on each of the questions. Our list of news media covers outlets of very different sizes (as measured by number of followers of that outlets’s Twitter account). As a future work we are interested to see what is the most accurate way to score the missing answers. Yes Is the Subject Area "Twitter" applicable to this article? Dry PEDOT:PSS pellets can be produced with a freeze drying method which are redispersable in water and different solvents, for example ethanol to increase drying speed during printing. Christian democracy is still a center-left political ideology, but probably the most conservative within the government, especially in personal issues. It is worth noticing that an unbiased news outlet should be expected to score close to zero (because it should have mixed signals and, either a proportional number of user labeled in each direction or most users were unable to classify it). el perro, la perra ... La compañera de Ricardo es bien perra; siempre lo pone en evidencia en frente de la jefa. Using the tweets IDs researchers can download the full content of the tweets from the Twitter API. Previous studies have tried to classify the partiality of the media, but there is little work on quantifying it, and less still on the nature of this partiality. This final score of the outlet oi is found using the Eq 2. As we mentioned before, our dataset is derived from a special type of users (news outlets Twitter accounts), and this method may not apply directly. To understand the results, a few preliminaries about the Chilean context is in order. [5] Yet its largest application is as a transparent, conductive polymer with high ductility. In summary, the results indicate that the political orientation of the media in Chile is in line with and follows the political orientation of the government. The PolQuiz has been criticized as being biased by using leading questions, favoring libertarian results and imposing the libertarian definition of freedom [47]. In previous work [6], we showed several types of bias in media coverage of ongoing news stories on crises in the world. Apparently these outlets focus their tweets in negative reports of the opposition. Special PEDOT:PSS inks and formulations were developed for different coating and printing processes. The specific roles of these authors are articulated in the ‘author contributions’ section. The accounts vary dramatically in tweet publication behavior, with some having published more than a hundred thousand tweets to others with less than a hundred in this timeframe. Rank normalization is done against the summation of all word rankings in the corresponding vocabulary (VD and VB). It is also short (only five questions per dimension), very popular (the Advocates for Self-Government (founded by the creator of the quiz: Marshall Fritz) claims that the quiz has been taken online more than 23 million times [39], and it has been used, evaluated and cited scientifically [40, 41]. Visualization, In general, the ruling coalition is “Nueva Mayoría”, which mainly consists of center-left to left-wing parties. Media bias is usually found in the editorial policies that ultimately decide which stories are worth publishing and which amount and angle of coverage they get [4, 13, 19]. Finally, if the answer is Disagree, no points are added. We assume that these reflect the ideology of the news outlet as an entity. As we mentioned earlier, the El Mercurio’s newspapers are popularly perceived as right-wing conservative. In other words, some bias is inherent to the media, but how biased they are (and on what direction they lean) will depend upon a comparison to other media in the same context. We also decided to use bi-grams over named entities because people not always recognize all the names involved in the discussion, although they do have an intuition in the discourse and the arguments used on both sides. With the subset of documents returned by the seed queries, we then analyzed the hash-tags to find an expanded set of labels that may represent related aspects of the same issues [24]. We explore more in how a change in government may influence the media position in Section The influence of government orientation on the media landscape. For determining the sentiment of words and bi-grams we use the Spanish lexicon from [53]. [15][16][17][18] This conductivity is comparable to that of ITO, the popular transparent electrode material, and it can triple that of ITO after a network of carbon nanotubes and silver nanowires is embedded into PEDOT:PSS[19] and used for flexible organic devices.[20]. Our positioning of these outlets in the adapted PolQuiz has also a good agreement with the direction of the Perceived bias (80%). Yes This classification is taken as ground-truth to evaluate our model. There are three of the 26ers for which we could not find reliable information on their political leaning. We selected the topic of abortion, as it is one of the most polarizing issues in our dataset. Through this model they calculate, for each user, a ranking of the likelihood that they prefer a political party over another. The gray circles around diamonds are the 95% confidence interval. A drastic shift in economic issues may invoke fear of losing your job or livelihood. Funding acquisition, Interestingly, the biggest movements to the left (in the same direction of the new government), come from outlets from which we were not able to find a clear popular perception or declare political leaning. 4. hashtags (#) and mentions (@)) that help to give semantic to the text.
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